Well known for having been the scene of numerous American Westerns, is the only true desert Europe .
The site spans the towns of Almeria Alboloduy , Gádor , Gérgal , Tabernas and Santa Cruz.
In Tabernas , visitors also can have fun and be part of some of the scenes more typical of Western films in Mini Hollywood Theme Park .
The Tabernas Desert Natural Area was declared in 1989 by its geomorphological landscape and its complex ecological environment . Pleads for the richness of its avifauna SPA (Special Protection Area for birds). It is a unique place in Europe where collecting best best peculiar dryness of the province of Almeria. Its ecological value is based on both vegetation and fauna, as in the molding of the relief, with peculiar and suggestive ways.
Desolation Tabernas Desert plant is as spectacular as the climatic, geomorphological and soil surrounding it, and the limited and rare vegetation that colonizes barely gullies and slopes, is a community with a high degree of xerofilia and level of coverage similar to the North African desert.
The Tabernas Desert is the only desert itself, in Europe. A highly complex set of climatic, soil, geological and anthropological studies have helped shape this amazing landscape .
The vegetation causes extreme aridity thorny, creeping, with few and small leaves, all to prevent them from stealing the sun insatiable moisture dew during the night brings. Among the fauna inhabiting the area are steppe birds like the trumpeter finch and the curlew, and other small animals and insects, and the Algerian hedgehog in Europe and the common toad.
Precipitation, which rarely exceed 300 liters per square meter year, often torrential, causing significant avenues that carry thousands of tons of soil into the sea, contributing to the erosion of the area.
The mountain barrier formed by Sierra Alhamilla favors isolation of the Mediterranean hinterland fohën effect causes a reduced scale, which lowers the relative humidity and contributes to extreme temperature fluctuations -5 º C - 48 º C .
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