Thursday, September 11, 2008

Images Of Ringworm On African Americans

Keyword: "Trading Online"

After the post where I listed some good keywords to make money with AdSense: insurance, mobile games, mortgages, loans, etc. .. here's a Super Keyword: Trading Online.
Search for the keyword "Trading Online" on Google you will realize how the right-hand column of the results and how lucrative it is crowded AdSense clicks!
To stay in the top positions with 3 specific keywords you start with a good 8 €, but Let's see in detail: *

Trading online free - Estimated average CPC: € 9.26 *

Online Trading - Estimated average CPC: € 9.10 *

online trading software - Estimated average CPC: € 8.00

Even considering only these three key words we understand that if we create a site well located with good key for these landing pages, we are able to earn enough! Instead
under 8 € include: *

Trading online demo - Estimated average CPC: € 7.39 *

Online Trading Italy - Estimated average CPC: € 6.36 *

Trading online - Estimated Avg CPC: € 6.11 (note how the version with "online" written attacked the CPC is higher by 30%) *

Online Trading Italy - stimanto Average CPC: € 5.07 *

Trading online bank - Average CPC stimanto : € 4.62 *

Trading Course Online - Average CPC stimanto: € 3.62 *

Online Trading Simulation - stimanto average CPC: € 3.12

As you can see, the industry Trading online is one of the most profitable for AdSense the Italian market.
But you're probably wondering: "What is Online Trading?"
The on-line trading (also known by the acronym TOL) is the trading of securities through the Internet.
It was born in Italy in 1999, when the "New Consob activation of the Consolidated financial markets" has regulated aspects.
This service allows just the buying and selling on-line tools Financial stocks, bond futures, bonds, etc. ... The advantages of using online trading services are lower costs for investors and the committee requested the possibility of the latter to be able to inform well about the development of a particular security or stock market in general (the display of graphics and information on securities) to make the right investment decisions.


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