Wednesday, May 5, 2010

10th Anniversary Invocation


The atmosphere (or amended) is a process of food preservation methods are completely natural. It is indeed changing, with the help of termosaldarici suit, the oxygen of the pack, which facilitates the growth of microbes by damaging the food, with gases in the air we breathe (nitrogen and carbon dioxide) but mixed in different percentages.

This stops the growth of microorganisms greatly increasing the life of the product (shelf life).

Latmosfera protection is therefore not a preservative, because it is an ingredient of the food, but evaporates when the package ( tray or envelope) is opened, with obvious advantages for both the consumer (does not alter the organoleptic characteristics), but also for the producer (it is easier to use).

The atmosphere (or modified atmosphere) is having considerable success in very different fields ( sliced \u200b\u200bcheese, meat packing , of prepared dishes of fresh pasta etc ...) getting results of increasing conservation. This is thanks to the technological improvement of sealers that packaging materials made for this purpose.

It 'important to remember that the atmosphere does not kill micro-organisms already present in the food. Therefore essential for maximizing the results must be the health of all the production line. By following a few easy steps, this method of packaging certainly has the ability to offer new guarantees to consumers and to represent a key point for companies who will use it.

For more information about or heat sealing packaging materials: